Never look at the prettiest women in the party, ignore her and she will make herself more presentable to you.
Speak loud and clear whenever you want to say something to the group, stop everyone and then continue.
Respect every person irrespective of gender, color, caste and profession. Giving respect is the symbol of manhood.
Say No to alcohol and cigarettes, if can’t resist then it is okay to intake all these occasionally. But try to avoid first.
Love everyone but love for parents should be above every relationship, parents are no one but god.
It is okay to pay the bills of your friends, colleagues sometimes. You could feed the needy it will make you happy.
Don’t say yes to a girl every time she’s asking something for her favor, learn to deny. But yes if anyone is in need then never back off.
Never indulge in backbiting your friends and colleagues, real men only listen to these bullshits but never take all these seriously. You should favor everyone equally without getting affected from others opinion.
Laughing unnecessarily is not for real men, laugh at the real occasions and try to make everyone laugh and happy with your humor, without hurting their sentiments.
Last but not the least, Real men hit the gym and meditate daily, wake up early, prepare plans at night for the next day, practice in front of the mirror, have good dress sense, respect everyone and let your charm talk to the world.
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