Marriage is the single most important decision any of us make. We spend about as much time working as we do with our families, making it a close contender, but we can generally get a new job or enter a new career. Even when we wind up stuck in a job we hate, we can go home and have a few hours of respite every day.
Our partners live at home. Their presence is consistent and they help us shape our emotional, physical, and financial condition during our time off. When our spouses have similar goals, mindsets, and lifestyles, this can be heavenly. You have someone to help you accomplish what you need and desire for yourself.
But it can also be nightmarish. Not only are some spouses abusive and exploitative but two people’s goals and desires in life can radically differ. In extreme cases, one spouse wants a life that’s outright incompatible with the other’s needs and desires, with one partner’s happiness causing the other’s misery.
All of that can be solved with divorce. And yes, that can be better than an unhappy marriage. It’s certainly better than an abusive marriage.
Blessing of the Young Couple Before Marriage by Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret. Public domain.